Planets Common Model#

Can I haz planetz?

Some planet stuff here

class pyorbit.common.planets.CommonPlanets(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Inherited class from AbstractCommon

For computational reason it is better to fit \(\sqrt{e}\sin{\omega}\) and \(\sqrt{e}\cos{\omega}\).

define_starting_point_from_derived(starting_point, var_sampler)[source]#

Eccentricity and argument of pericenter require a special treatment

since they can be provided as fixed individual values or may need to be combined in \(\sqrt{e}\sin{\omega}\) and \(\sqrt{e}\cos{\omega}\) if are both free variables

:param : starting_point: :param : var_sampler:



model_class = 'planet'#

choice to parametrize the eccentricity and argument of pericenter: Standard: $e$ and $omega$ Ford2006: $e cos{omega }$ and $e sin{omega}$ Eastman2013: $sqrt{e} cos{omega }$ and $sqrt{e} sin{omega}$