Running PyORBIT#

To launch the analysis, just run this command on your terminal:

pyorbit_run sampler configuration_file.yaml

Where sampler is one of the boldface keywords listed in Samplers.

The files produced by the analysis will be stored in the folder configuration_file/sampler/, automatically created when a given combination sampler + configuration file is run for the first time.

Analysis preservation

Running again a sampler + configuration file combo will not overwrite previous results. If you change your configuration file, most likely you will need to either delete the configuration file folder or (better) rename the configuration file.

To save your log on a text file, just redirect the output to a file (see these examples):

pyorbit_run sampler configuration_file.yaml > configuration_file_sampler_run.log

When the analysis is completed, you can retrieve the results using the pyorbit_results command. The syntax is similar to pyorbit_run, with the exception that now the command accepts several flags depending on the desired output.

pyorbit_results sampler_name configuration_file.yaml -flags

For a list of possible flags, just run pyorbit_results with the -h (for help) flag. Not using any flag will just produce the standard terminal output. The -all flag will produce any conceivable plots and files. Flags are described on this dedicated page](results_flags).

The output of pyorbit_results will be saved into the folder configuration_file/sampler_plot/ - notice the _plot at the end of the name.


Analysis preservation Differently from pyorbit_run, all the files in the configuration_file/sampler_plot/ folder will be overwritten at each execution of the command.


PyORBIT supports both Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Nested Sampling (NS). There are some important differences in how the priors are dealt with, sometimes directly affecting the involved parametrizations. Please refer to Caveats regarding MCMC and NS for more details. It must be noted that in the majority of my analysis, MCMC and NS delivered perfectly superimposed posteriors.

Supported samplers#

This is the list of samplers supported by PyORBIT. The keyword to be used as the first argument of pyorbit_run/pyorbit_results is reported in boldface. The same configuration file can be used with different samplers, as the results will be stored in different folders

Fully tested and regularly updated samplers:

  • emcee: it is actually the combination of two algorithms: the Global optimization using differential evolution in Python PyDE by Hannu Parviainen, and the The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC emcee by Dan Foreman-Mackey.

  • dynesty: the Dynamic Nested Sampling Package dynesty by John Speagle.

  • ultranest: ultranest

The samplers listed above are those that I use more frequently, and I have verified that they provide consistent results among each other. Other algorithms have been implemented as well, although their performances have not been evaluated thoroughly:

  • zeus: Lightning Fast MCMC zeus.

  • nestle: pure-Python implementation of nested sampling algorithms nestle.

  • polychord: next-generation nested sampling PolyChordLite.

  • multinest: Multimodal nested sampling MultiNest through PyMultiNest.

  • optimize: Scipy function to be used as an alternative to PyDE.