Interpreting terminal output#

PyORBIT_results will produce several files depending on the flags provided at runtime. The terminal output is always present


This page is based on the ouput of PyORBIT version 9. Version 10 provides some more advanced outputs that are not yet described here

Terminal output#

First thing you will get is a list of a few characteristics of your system. This section may change depending on your computer configuration and the employed sampler.

PyORBIT v9.1.0

Python version in use:
3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58)
[GCC 7.5.0]
 LaTeX disabled by default

emcee version:  3.1.2

 Reference Time Tref: 59200.0

 Dimensions = 17
 Nwalkers = 68

 Steps: 50000

If you used the -all flag, you will get several log messages regarding the status of plot preparation and plot printing. Those are detailed in the corresponding section.

Confidence intervals#

Confidence intervals and/or associated errors are computed using the 15.865th and the 84.135th percentiles of the distribution. The median value of the distribution (50th percentile) is then subtracted from these two values. For clarity, these values are always followed by the string (15-84 p). The following values:

jitter_0             25.641528         -1.200384         1.372232 (15-84 p)

read as \(\mathrm{jitter}_0 = 25.6_{-1.2}^{+1.4} ms^{-1}\) (in case of radial velocities).


The code will not try to format the output according to the significant figures of a measurement. Unit measurements and priors will not be displayed, at least for now.

The associated error is not provided for the starting point of the MCMC analysis or the MAP values.

Basic model selection#

The code provides the log-probability function, with its two components (the log-priors and the log-likelihood) explicitly reported right below.

 LN posterior:  -319.565121      -2.851297     2.207220 (15-84 p)

 Median log_priors     = -177.66943313873546
 Median log_likelihood = -136.37527830557443

The code computes the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the AIC with a correction for small sample sizes (AIC). These values are computed using the median value of the log-probability / log-likelihood. Formally, these three criteria should be computed using the log-likelihood, but I’ve seen several cases where the log-probability is used instead. The appropriate choice is left to the user.

 Median BIC  (using likelihood) = 355.9106421289588
 Median AIC  (using likelihood) = 298.75055661114885
 Median AICc (using likelihood) = 299.37171702070515

 Median BIC  (using posterior)  = 711.2495084064296
 Median AIC  (using posterior)  = 654.0894228886198
 Median AICc (using posterior)  = 654.7105832981761

The maximum a posteriori (MAP) set of parameters is computed by picking the sampling corresponding to the maximum value of the log-probability distribution. As in the previous steps, different model selection criteria using either the log-likelihood or the log-probability are reported here, with the difference that now the corresponding MAP value is used rather than the corresponding median value.

 MAP log_priors     = -177.66943313873546
 MAP log_likelihood = -136.28166552722797

 MAP BIC  (using likelihood) = 355.7234165722658
 MAP AIC  (using likelihood) = 298.56333105445594
 MAP AICc (using likelihood) = 299.18449146401224

 MAP BIC  (using posterior)  = 711.0622828497367
 MAP AIC  (using posterior)  = 653.9021973319268
 MAP AICc (using posterior)  = 654.5233577414831

Finally, the code provides a suggestion regarding the use of either AIC or AICc following the standard definition

 AIC suggested over AICs because NDATA (   600 ) > 40 * NDIM (    13 )


No check over the applicability of BIS/AIC/AICc is performed! Be sure that the underlying assumptions are valid in your specific case.

Autocorrelation analysis#

If the posteriors have been computed using an MCMC sampler, as emcee, an autocorrelation analysis is performed automatically using the methods implemented in the sampler. For more information, please check the Autocorrelation analysis and convergence page from the emcee documentation.

PyORBIT will first compute the integrated autocorrelation time for each variable using the built-in method in emcee. This method automatically check if the chains are long enough for a reliable autocorrelation analysis. If everything is fine, you’ll get this message:

The chains are more than 50 times longer than the ACF, the estimate can be trusted

If the chains are too short, the tolerance parameter (i.e., the minimum number of autocorrelation times needed to trust the estimate) will be lowered to 20, with a warning and a(likely overestimated) suggestion for the appropriate chain length.

***** WARNING ******
The integrated autocorrelation time cannot be reliably estimated likely the chains are too short, and ACF analysis is not fully reliable
emcee.autocorr.integrated_time tolerance lowered to 20
If you still get a warning, you should drop these results entirely
Chains too short to apply convergence criteria
They should be at least 2800*nthin = 280000

The maximum value of the integrated time is then used as step length (or step size) in the following analysis

Computing the autocorrelation time of the chains
Reference thinning used in the analysis: 100
Step length used in the analysis: 13*nthin = 1300

The convergence criteria are clearly stated out, for your benefit:

Convergence criteria: less than 1% variation in ACF after 50 times the integrated ACF
At least 50*ACF after convergence, 100*ACF would be ideal
Negative values: not converged yet

Finally, you’ll get a (badly formatted) table to identify misbehaving variables, and a suggestion regarding the number of steps required to satisfy the criterion reported above and the (minimum) value for the burn-in.

sampler parameter



converged at























  • sampler parameter: the parameter explored by the sampler (it may be different from the parameter of the model)

  • ACF: the integrated autocorrelation time, computed on the thinned chains.

  • ACF*nthin: the integrated autocorrelation time, in units of sampler steps

  • converged at: number of sampler steps at which the chain

All the chains are longer than 50\*ACF, but some are shorter than 100\*ACF
PyORBIT should keep running for at least     34713 more steps to reach 100\*ACF
Suggested value for burnin:  2064

Don’t rely too much on the ACF

From my personal experience, when the analysis of light curve is involved the ACF analysis wil suggest you to keep running the sampler even if convergence has been reached.

Two rows of asterisks delimit the end of this section

Confidence intervals of the parameters#

Confidence intervals of the posteriors are provided 34.135th percentiles from the median on the left and right sides, in addition to the median as well, as specified in the previous section.

This section is divided in three groups:

  • Statistics on the posterior of the sampler parameters: the direct output of the sampler. If the parameters have been parametrized (including exploration in logarithmic space), the values displayed here may not be physically meaningful.

  • Statistics on the model parameters obtained from the posteriors samples: confidence intervals of the model parameters (i.e., before re parametrization) as they should appear in the physical model. If no reparametrization has been applied to a given parameter, the model posterior will be identical to the sampler posterior.

  • Statistics on the derived parameters obtained from the posteriors samples: confidence intervals of those parameters that are not directly involved in the optimization procedure, but are derived from the model parameters through an analytical transformation.

The scheme will be repeated two times: once to print the confidence intervals of sampler/model/derived parameters, and again to print the corresponding MAP values.

Let’s take an example involving the determination of a planetary radius though light curve fitting:

Statistics on the posterior of the sampler variables#

     Statistics on the posterior of the sampler variables

----- common model:  b
P                0     -2.157173      -0.000002      0.000002 (15-84 p) ([-2.251539, -2.058894])
Tc               1  59144.616223      -0.000286      0.000285 (15-84 p) ([59144.600000, 59144.630000])
b                2      0.483160      -0.041884      0.034602 (15-84 p) ([ 0.000000,  2.000000])
R_Rs             3      0.020650      -0.000464      0.000448 (15-84 p) ([ 0.000010,  0.500000])
sre_coso         4      0.016803      -0.199241      0.192704 (15-84 p) ([-1.000000,  1.000000])
sre_sino         5      0.059049      -0.212933      0.198307 (15-84 p) ([-1.000000,  1.000000])

When reporting the sampler results, the name of the parameter is followed by a number indicating its position in the array of parameters passed to the optimization algorithm. These numbers are for internal use only (they my change from run to run), but they can be useful to check the dimensionality of the problem. At the end of the line, the boundaries of the parameters are reported: these boundaries can be assigned by the users (as in the case of P and Tc) or internally defined (as for b and R_Rs).

In this example you can see that the orbital period P is negative: this is not an error, as the parameter is being explored in logarithmic space (specifically, Log2) and not in Natural base. Note also that eccentricity \(e\) and argument of pericenter \(\omega\) are parametrized as \(\sqrt{e} \sin \omega\) (sre_sino) and \(\sqrt{e} \cos \omega\) (sre_coso) following Eastman et al. 2013. I should make priors and spaces more explicit at output

Statistics on the model parameters obtained from the posteriors samples#

     Statistics on the physical parameters obtained from the posteriors samples

----- common model:  b
P                 2.241951e-01     -3.188571e-07     2.983407e-07 (15-84 p)
Tc                59144.616223         -0.000286         0.000285 (15-84 p)
b                     0.483160         -0.041884         0.034602 (15-84 p)
R_Rs                  0.020650         -0.000464         0.000448 (15-84 p)
e                     0.060706         -0.042746         0.066179 (15-84 p)
omega               122.589193        -86.415897       136.651806 (15-84 p)

The main difference with respect to the previous table is that the columns of the parameter index and the parameter boundaries are not listed here, as not all the parameters may have been directly involved in the optimization procedure. The orbital period P is now expressed in the correct unit (days) as it has been converted from logarithmic to natural space. , while the other parameters b, Tc, and R_Rs are identical as they did not go through any transformation. The argument of pericenter (omega) and the eccentricity e are now explicitly reported, as they are the actual parameters of the physical model.

In the case of a circular orbit, sre_sino and sre_coso would not be listed in the sampler parameters output, while the eccentricity e and the argument of periastron \omega would be listed as fixed parameters and without confidence interval, as the model still require these terms although they are not involved in the optimization procedure.

e                 0.000000e+00
omega                90.000000

Statistics on the derived parameters obtained from the posteriors samples#

     Statistics on the derived parameters obtained from the posteriors samples

----- common model:  b
a_Rs                  2.150072         -0.021830         0.021366 (15-84 p)
i                    77.018467         -1.040808         1.206541 (15-84 p)
mean_long           102.186949         -0.370244         0.392672 (15-84 p)
R_Rj                  0.125422         -0.002961         0.002917 (15-84 p)
R_Re                  1.405843         -0.033195         0.032702 (15-84 p)
T_41                  0.031653         -0.000485         0.000543 (15-84 p)
T_32                  0.029880         -0.000534         0.000604 (15-84 p)
a_AU_(rho,R)          0.006241         -0.000080         0.000080 (15-84 p)

This table looks a lot like the physical parameters table, the main difference with the difference that these values are either obtained though internal transformation of the physical parameters, as in the case of the scaled semi-major axis a_Rs or the orbital inclination i, or using some external parameters, as the planetary radius in Jupiter radii R_Rj and Earth radii R_Re, both requiring a prior on the stellar radius which is however not involved in the optimization procedure.

Differences between MCMC and nested sampling outputs#

The output described above applies to MCMC samplers. Nested sampling algorithms will have slightly different output:

  • Autocorrelation function analysis will not be performed.

  • An extra step reporting the boundary of the parameters will be printed.

  • A short summary with the confidence interval for the Bayesian evidence may be printed.

  • Some additional plots may be produced according to the methods implemented in the specific sampler.

The additional outputs follow closely the examples reported in the documentation of each sampler, so they will not be detailed here.

Note on reparametrization and transformation of parameters#

Median values and confidence intervals for model and derived parameters are computed directly on the transformed posterior, rather than on the reported values for of the sampler parameters. In other words, each set of parameters from the posterior distribution is converted into the model/derived parameters, generating a new distribution for each new parameter, then the median and the confidence intervals are computed on newly generated distribution. For this reason, the median of a model parameter may not correspond to the direct conversion of the median of the sampler parameters. Using the example shown before:

\[\begin{split}\sqrt{e} \sin{\omega} = 0.017 \\ \sqrt{e} \cos{\omega} = 0.059\end{split}\]
\[e_{\mathrm{sampler}} = (\sqrt{e} \sin{\omega})^2 + (\sqrt{e} \cos{\omega} )^2 = 0.004\]

while the reported median value for the eccentricity in the model parameters section is (correctly) \(e = 0.061\).