Adding a dataset#

Datasets are grouped under the input section:

2  RVdata:
3    file: K2-141_dataset/K2-141_RV_HARPN.dat
4    kind: RV
5    models:
6      - rv_model
7      - gp_regression
  • RVdata: the label to identify the dataset. The same label must be used later in the file if we need to specify a property of the dataset.

  • file: the file including the dataset.

  • kind: the kind of dataset provided. This label is used only by specific models that requires a special treatment with respect to standard datasets, i.e. central times of transits must be tagged with the Tcent data type.

  • models: list of models’ labels to be used to analyze the dataset. If only one model is specified, it can be written on the same line without the - sign.

Dataset kinds#

The following datasets are recognized by the code. In the majority of the cases, the way the dataset is treated depends on the specified models. A list of aliases is defined to circumvent the most common typos (and to avoid checking the documentation every time…).

  • RV: radial velocities. Aliases: RV, RVs, rv, rvs.

  • Phot: photometry. Aliases: P, Ph, p, ph, PHOT, Phot, phot, Photometry, photometry.

  • Tcent: central times of transits. Aliases: Tcent, TCent, Tc, TC, T0, TT.

  • FWHM: Full Width Half Maximum of the Cross-Correlation Function (CCF). Aliases: FWHM, fwhm.

  • BIS: Bisector Inverse Span of the CCF. Aliases: BIS, bis.

  • H-alpha: measurements of the emission in the core of the H-alpha line. Aliases: H, HA, h, ha, Halpha, H-alpha, halpha, h-alpha.

  • S_index: (uncalibrated) measurements of the emission in the core of the CA H&K lines. Aliases: S, S_index.

  • Ca_HK: as for the S index, but with the photometric contribution removed. Aliases: Ca_HK, logR.

.. _common-label: