Abstract Common Model#

This is the common model class

Some stuff here

class pyorbit.common.abstract_common.AbstractCommon(common_ref)[source]#

Comments to be updated

define_parameter_properties(ndim, output_lists, parameters_list)[source]#

Bounds are defined in this class, where all the Planet-related parameters are stored Bounds and parameter index CANNOT be defined in the Common class: we don’t know a priori which parameters will be actually used in the complete model.


reverting the new parameter definition style to the old set of parameters


Compute the prior probability for a given set of input parameters

return_priors is defined in the common models because, differently from other functions that can be executed more than once on the same parameter, the prior for a given parameter should be computed and added to the log_chi2 only once


theta – the set of parameters used by the solver


prior probability, to be added to the posterior prob.

Return type:
